DARCIE (OR BETTER KNOWN AS DARCIZZLE) is a female angler in sunny South Florida - the fishing capital of the world! Her goal in the fishing industry is to prove that females, children, and young anglers alike can discover the secrets of fishing and accomplish their angling goals. Age is just a number, and experience comes with practice. Darcie can tie knots, rigs, gaff fish, throw a cast net and bridle live bait, kite fish and more! She wants to prove to all anglers and newbies to the sport: it's fun to get your hands dirty! It's also fun to show the old timers you can catch fish too! The tug is the ultimate drug! Keep on catchin'!

WALLY MARSHALL (AKA MR. CRAPPIE), 2008 Legends of the Outdoors hall of fame member, started his career in 1987 by winning the first crappie tournament held in the state of Texas. Since that day he has created and produced the finest crappie fishing products on the market today. Mr. Crappie branded products are the number one name and most requested gear in the sport of crappie fishing today. Marshall has produced rods, reels, lures, hooks, floats, fishing line and now a great line up of Mr. Crappie tools and accessories.
Wally Marshall has been fishing major crappie tournament trails for 25 years and has won tournaments in many different states across the U.S. Crappie fishing has been a big part of his life – since he was a little boy until today crappie fishing has always intrigued him.

CAPTAIN ROB FORDYCE has been a professional guide, television host, and an athlete for the last 30 years. Nominated in 2014 as one of the “top 50 fishing captains in the world”, Rob has competed and placed as a top 3 finisher, in more than 100 tournaments fished around the globe. Rob has also produced, hosted, or co-hosted more than 135 outdoor television episodes. Considered as a master guide for fly fishing giant tarpon, Rob was the first guide in history to win all four major tarpon fly tournaments, in the over 50 year history they carry. At the age of 17, Rob won the prestigious met master angler award, making him the youngest man decorated for this award in the tournament’s 62 year history.

Tom Claycomb likes anything outdoor wise and fishes/hunts from Alaska to Florida. He loves elk and bear hunting but says it’s hard to beat a good Idaho backcountry flyfishing trip. He rodeoed at Texas A&M Univ. but dropped out to go pro as a bareback rider. In due time he went back to school and got a real job and ended up marrying the prettiest girl in the world.
Tom is an outdoor writer for Bass Pro Shop, has outdoor columns in newspapers in Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, and Louisiana, writes for the Idaho Deer Alliance Magazine, Mule Deer Foundation Magazine, Western Shooting Journal, some for Havalon Knives, bowhhunter.net, bowhunter.com, NBS Magazine, Western Whitetail Hunter, freelances for various magazines and newspapers and has e-articles on Amazon Kindle. He also conducts about 60 seminars annually at various sports shows and outdoor stores.